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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 3 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2554


(медитация, 명상, 瞑想,冥想,la meditación)

Many people think doing meditation is just for relaxing only but people didn't know something that will make them surprised. Meditation can also help people as disease treatment which originated by a stress or sickness of mind.

Meditation can also improve peoples' ability of learning, raise up their scare resistance, make a lot of happiness etc.

We can not dispute that almost the whole of our time, we acquire many feeling from many jumble stories through our life. If it is an hapiness, surely it's good. In the other hand, If it is bad like be broken heart ,be unemployed ,very sad because of the death of someone , how can we withstand its?

meditation can help us!! how ??

There are 2 type of true meditation. One is called "Samata Kammatan(สมถะกรรมฐาน)" and another called "Vipassana Kammatan(วิปัสสนากรรมฐาน)". One is focusing when another is consciousness.

(*Kammatan means Meditation; Thai languge)

Samata Kammatan can make persons feel calm, tranquil when Vipassana Kammatan make persons to be conscious about their feeling, what are they thinking at present to find their solution for their problem in their mind.

If people know anatta form Trilak Rule with consciousness by Vipassana Kammatan, The will know that nothing outside harm them to be sad, unhappy, sorrow etc. Bad feeling just occur by themselves. Everything have to end some day , Every body have to die someday no one is immortal. It's is natural system that progress in regular way. The problem isn't somthing happen in the world but the problem is in people mind, what are they thinking, what are they feeling, just harming themself.

Don't aviod the truth. We can't chage the truth.The thing we have to do is just bravely acquiesce and keep smiling.

live and learn.

